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Hand Spinning News

Become a supporter of Hand Spinning News

Hand Spinning News needs support. It is no more than a hobby, especially since I've closed my shops. There are direct costs such as the email / mailing list service and secure web hosting.

You can choose to donate any amount you like and join the mailing list to receive the full version of HSN by email, earlier in the month than the edited free version is published.

Thank you - Shiela


You are in control. Instead of anyone billing you, you are setting up a regular payment from your paypal account, which you can change or cancel any time.

(For amounts smaller than a pound, don't forget the "." If you mean 50p, type ".50")

(click here to switch the form to US dollars)

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Alternatively, if you're unsure about paying directly or don't like Paypal, then you can become a paid member at

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The 'pay what you want' above has been in place for some years now. If you're on the older system (being billed a fixed amount per year by then you may want to switch to one of the methods above. I can easily cancel the old billing - simply contact me if you want to do that.)



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All issues since January 2015 were archived. However, due to old and dead links making bad SEO, I'm not quite sure how to handle this. Watch this space.

H S N archive