Hand Spinning News
One way to gain colour inspiration is to generate a palette from a photograph. Leigh shows us how she has been turning winter photographs into colour palettes for weaving and has thoughts and observations about the process. Along similar lines, Winter Inspirations is a new set of limited-edition colourways on Corriedale fibre inspired by winter photographs.
The emotional support chicken continues to be a phenomenon. As Highland Heffalump finishes her third, she warns that it turns into an addiction.
You could also get hooked on rag rugs. There are two kinds, proddy and hooked. Jeni has written about the techniques and about Winifred Nicholson's Cumbrian Rag Rugs which are currently being exhibited in Middlesborough. Emily O'Leary creates amazingly realistic hand-hooked rugs that resemble sleeping dogs.
Tools such as laser cutters and 3D printers are now affordable for the hobbyist and if you don't have the money or space, makerspaces make them available. I've been featuring open-source hardware projects such as looms and spinning machines and this month is no exception. Engineering Knits has 3d printed a ball winder and if woodwork is your thing then instructions are available to make your own cigar-box charkha,
So without further ado, read on for more news, views and reviews for spinners, knitters, crocheters, dyers and weavers. This is the edited free round-up for February 2025.
If you'd like an email notification of when the free issue goes live each month, I've experimentally launched a page at patreon.com/handspinningnews where you can become a member for free.
If you like HSN and would like to support the endeavour, find out how to receive a longer version in your inbox, earlier than the free edition appears online.
Cover photo courtesy Kristin Nicholas, Winter Lambing.
In the media

Knitted rats needed for exhibition
When the Longest Yarn tour reaches Devon, life-size crochet models from the war are to be shown alongside the exhibition. These include a depiction of land girl Daphne Hedges who moved to Devon to catch rats between 1944 and 1946. The call has gone out for knitted black, grey, white or brown rats.

Sustainable, traceable South African Merino wool
South Africa may not be the first country to come to mind when you think of fine merino wool but a recent event highlighted the sustainability and traceability of South Africa's wool.
South Africa has around 8,000 commercial wool farmers, and just over 45,000 individual communal farmers.

Rare loom weights from 1,500 years ago found in Denmark
Archaeologists have found several 1,500-year-old loom weights at a site in Denmark.
A drawing on the page shows a reconstruction of the workshop complete with loom which in turn is complete with the weights.
Handspun stories

The Emperor's magic tablecloth
It would be a terrible idea for any of us to try spinning asbestos but Christina tells us that it can be spun and woven, and indeed has been historically. She has stories of magic tricks being performed using textiles made of the stuff, and has two medieval-inspired table runner pattern suggestions.

Green yarn
Does the colour green make you feel content? It may do even if you're one of those, like Beryl, who are unable to perceive it.
Sarah muses on working with green yarn, or rather her dog does.

Colour Collab: Winter Inspirations
This article shows how a photograph translates into a colour palette for fibre. There are five examples from Sweetgeorgia's spinning instructor team which together form their 'Winter Inspirations' limited-edition colourways.

Another fabric book
The 2025 stitch book challenge began on January 17. It runs for 100 days, during which you work for 15 minutes per day.
It would be easy to set your own 100-day challenge with any project and get into the routine.
Jean comments that "you would be surprised at how much you learn about how you work and what is possible in 15 minute periods".
In this post, Jean shows some of the stitch books that she's made in previous years and the scraps that she'll use for this year's.

Small heddle weaving
Durham Weaver has tried to make two small heddles from cardboard, one being just 2.5cm x 2.5cm. She doesn't explain how she achieved the very impressive task of cutting the holes and slots. One is a reproduction of a Roman rigid heddle made from bone.
She used both to make some cord with four ends and five ends. She found this 'relatively easy' although she has to conclude that cardboard isn't the best material for these tools.
See the Products section for a link to the tiny heddle necklace that she models in this post.

A tatreez story
Tracy found this vintage Palestinian cross-stitch in a shop but knew no more about it at the time.
This is the story of her research, working it into a garment and giving it to a Palestinian musician.

Living in the land of pee and poop
Winter lambing has its benefits and challenges. In this post, Kristin describes the experience of managing a flock that produces around 40 lambs. It has its problems but also its joys.
Thank you to Kristin for this month's cover photo. Read the story at her Substack (main link) also see www.kristinnicholas.com to find out more about her farm and her products.

I built my own electric yarn winder
In the past I've featured open-source projects for looms and spinning machines. Building this kind of project yourself is now possible but it isn't always plain-sailing, particularly if you have to design components yourself.
This is an enjoyable and satisfying video with ups and downs. Engineering Knits first prints and uses a manual yarn winder with reasonable success and then tries to motorise it before deciding to motorise her existing Knitpicks yarn winder instead.

Farm to wheel: supporting local shepherds
Donna Kay is a handspinner who advocates supporting small flocks. She answers some concerns such as a single fleece being too much to process and has some tips for finding and buying a fleece from an interesting breed.

San Juan Ranch tapestry project
The San Juan Ranch tapestries tell the story of Nevada County, and were formally designated as a Nevada County Historical Resource. The twelve hand-stitched tapestries are currently housed in the North Columbia Schoolhouse Cultural Center at 17894 Tyler Foote Road in Nevada City
Recent and forthcoming events
Tips and tutorials

How do you spin when your hands are dry?
Pamela says that your most valuable spinning tools are your hands. She has tips for keeping them in condition which include scrubbing and moisturising, exercising and resting.

Handspinning: Advanced Techniques with Mabel Ross (1988-ish)
I'm not sure where things stand with regard (or disregard) to copyright but the uploader has left the copyright notice intact at the very start of the video and named the production company in the description, so I guess they've given permission or they don't mind.
It's also available from a limited number of places on DVD, which I assume is better quality than the VHS capture here.
This is nevertheless a delightful video. I would say that despite the title it's a 'back to basics' if you're an intermediate or advanced spinner and will be very useful if you're a beginner.
With thanks to the1764shepherdess for sharing the Youtube find.

Cigar box charkha: make your own!
Using a minimal number of tools and materials, you can build your own functional charkha.
If you're very handy, there's probably enough information on this web page for you to build one of these portable spinning devices.
If you need a bit more, then schematics, materials lists, and instructions are available in the Spin-Off library with a free account.

Ask Jillian January 2025
Jillian Moreno has written an 'Ask Jillian' column for Ply magazine. This time she answers a reader's question about motivating yourself to try new styles of spinning.

Iridescence on simple looms? Yes, you can!
Irridescence is an illusion created when certain colours in the warp and weft cross, making the colour appear to change with the different angles and folds of the fabric.
There are some tips here from Bobbie Irwin for achieving the effect in thicker yarns on a rigid heddle loom.
Previously, turtle looms had this article which refers to an earlier book by Bobbie, and demonstrates the effect even more clearly with pin-woven squares.

Secrets to perfect rolags on blending boards and hand cards
Rolags are ideal for creating light and warm woollen yarn. If you're starting with combed top or roving then you can still form that into rolags using hand cards or a blending board.
Products and Reviews

The EEW Fold
The Electric Eel Wheels are already well-established as affordable, portable electric spinners.
Maurice is Kickstarting his latest model, the EEW fold. The kickstarter will have finished by the time you read this but it's already funded 18 times over. Maurice uses Kickstarter as a means to take pre-orders which funds a large initial batch, thus keeping the price down.
This is an interview with Maurice about his career so far and the new design. There's a link near the bottom to the Kickstarter page where there's a video about the new model.

Knitting With Dog Hair: by Kendall Crolius
The subtitle of this book is "Better a Sweater from a Dog You Know and Love Than from a Sheep You'll Never Meet".
Some spinners find the idea unsavoury, including Pamela who shared the link to this review. Despite not being a dog-lover, I have enjoyed spinning dog hair, particular Samoyed, which was soft and alpaca-like.
This book was first published in 1994 but as Kendall writes in this article, the practice goes back into history, either beloved pets or dogs kept for the purpose. The book is now reprinted.

Clear sight: how to use a pick glass
Amanda says that for those of us without perfect eyesight, a pick glass can help determine a fabric's thread count or structure, or inspect your own weaving's threads for spacing and tension.

Speedweve loom for mending socks
Rebecca had heard of this tool but didn't know that it could be used for mending socks. She had a lot of sock darning to do, and has been putting her handspun socks back into circulation.
Sometimes just a picture is enough

Friday FO: Cetraria Islandica
quiteayarnblog presents this finished project. It's not made from handspun, in fact the yarn is hardly spun at all, it's unspun plotulopi, which quiteayarnblog calls "interesting to knit with". It requires care but the resulting knitted fabric is strong and warm.
A kit is available and includes Léttlopi yarn, handyed with Icelandic plants and Plötulopi yarn. The pattern is available separately.

More experiments
We've seen some of Peggy's paper weaving already but she has been busy and has woven around 25 pieces since Thanksgiving. This is a close-up of a twill, with four threads for the weft. The blog post has many more pictures, some paper, some silk.

Emotional Support Chicken FO
Highland Heffalump's Emotional Support Chicken is made from "Various bits of handspun yarn".
"it's a bit of a hodgepodge of yarns and feel, but all from my stash. I just had to order some eyes." More details of the materials used are in her blog post.
She says in a separate post that she can see why people get addicted to making them and since I first added this story, she has finished a third.

This month's flock of finished handspun emotional support chickens also include this one called Chiquitita, made by SeaFlowerSpins. She has two packets of pearl barley sewn into her belly for "a satisfying weight" (chiquitita, not SeaFlowerSpins).

Backgammon board
This woven backgammon board is shown in "Five Questions with Weave Together Instructor Angela K. Schneider" on Handwoven, but I've been unable to find out very much more about it.
I guess Angela made the board, which is modified 3-end block weave with shaft-switching. Potter Rose Conway made the counters, which are inspired by nautilus shells.

Polwarth in Polwarth
Knit/Wit says that she "could not be more delighted" with this jumper.
The pattern is Polwarth by Ysolda Teague and the yarn is also Polwarth. Hand spun from Southern Cross Fibre, colorway Plot Twist.
In her blog post she writes about the way that she spun the colours fairly randomly and about how they've played out.
Free patterns and projects
A selection of free seasonal patterns which will work well with handspun yarn.

Glory of Gamps: Study in Bronson Lace
Bronson Lace uses weft floats to create textured patterning. A gamp is a sampler, divided into areas that mix threading and weft options.
This article contains detailed instructions for weaving this sampler on your 4-shaft loom.

Atypical construction: Squircle
JoAnna was skeptical that the unusual contstruction wouldn't affect how this sock fits the foot, but is now a convert and recommends this free pattern to anyone who wants to try something slightly atypical. A link to the Ravelry pattern page is in this post.

Pacing Pullovers by Madeline Keller-King: spin and knit a tiny sweater
This pattern is designed to help if you're struggling in any way. If you're feeling overwhelmed, it may help to have a manageable project.
It's designed for one or two or more colours of handspun yarn. The page I'm linking to has spinning notes and a link to the pattern, which is free with a free account at Spin-Off.

By The Sea Socks by Arianna Soloway
This pattern is also suggested by JoAnna who is surprised that after 6 years there are only 7 projects on Ravelry.
She says that a bit of lace has a big impact on your stripes. it's only on the leg, the foot is plain stockinette for speed. The pattern's written toe-up but she made them cuff-down because that's what she prefers.
Pattern and project suggestions

Butterly Contemplation Hat by Cierra K
This is a beautiful pattern that would look great in a colour-changing handspun yarn against a solid background.
It requires a little over 100 yards in two yarns of similar weights.

Grid Gambit by Samantha Guerin
Thie new pattern has been popular with handspinners.
My thumbnail shows knit.purl.bake's. She commented that she "can't stop knitting this gorgeous new cowl".
She has used handspun for main and contrast colours but some knitters have used handspun for the contrast only, and some for the main yarn only.
But is it art...?

Amy Reader's needle felted forest floor
Amy finds inspiration in the way that fungus breaks down and recycles dead wood. She uses needle-felted wool to make art based on their fascinating shapes.

Nicole McLaughlin's mixed-media sculptures celebrate craft, heritage, and new life
Nicole McLaughlin's ceramic and wool sculptures "summon striking connections between materials, heritage, and personal experiences".

Emily O'Leary's Hand Hooked Wool Rugs of Sleeping Dogs
Emily O'Leary creates amazingly realistic hand-hooked rugs that resemble sleeping dogs.

Carla Stehr's art inspired by marine science, microscopy and more
Carla uses photographs of marine life, sometimes microscopic, to reproduce in fabric and stitch.

Order and chaos entwine in Kristine Stattin's embroideries
Long, sweeping lines and tiny, tufted French knots contrast with one another and create tension. Kristine likes to "surrender to the moment and embrace the unknown".
UK Events

Textiles East Fair
Sat 15 - Sun 16 February 2025, The Burgess Hall, St Ives, PE27 6WU
Aims to provide a dynamic, active platform for textile artists to exhibit and retailers to showcase their beautiful products for purchase.

Fri 14 - Sun 16 Feb 2025, Farnham Maltings, Hampshire
At the core of unravel's three day in-person festival is the curated marketplace which showcases independent producers, well established makers alongside first-time yarn show exhibitors from around the UK. In addition, on each day of the festival, there is an inspiring programme of bookable workshops.

North West Winter Wool Festival
15 - 16 Feb 2025, Imperial Hotel Blackpool
A gathering dedicated to the rich traditions of knitting, crocheting, weaving, and spinning. Created by an indie yarn dyer in response to the increasing call for more fibre arts events in the North West, this festival offers a warm, welcoming space for creativity and community.

Kernow YAFF - Cornwall's Yarn and Fibre Festival
Sunday 9th March 2025 The Pavilion Centre, Royal Cornwall Showground PL27 7JE
Showcasing the best of hand-dyed, hand-crafted and sustainable yarns, fibres and related products, all in an exciting market-style show with a vibrant festival feel.

East Anglia Yarn Festival
15 - 16 Mar 2025, Norfolk Showground Arena
East Anglia's premier fibre festival, bringing amazing exhibitors to Norwich for the second year. Classes, crochet and knit-a-long, The Big Stitch Night, podcaster meet-up.

Wonderwool Wales
26 - 27 April 2025, Royal Welsh Showground, Builth Wells
First held in 2006 to promote the market for Welsh wool and add value to product for small wool & fibre producers in Wales, the festival celebrates the green credentials of Welsh wool and its versatility as a material for creative crafts, designer clothes, home furnishings and more.
Wonderwool Wales has grown year on year. It covers everything from the start to the end of the creative process.
A list of accommodation and camping in the surrounding area is available on the Wonderwool website.

The Woolly Good Gathering
Fri 4 - Sat 5 April 2025
Since 2019 Edinburgh been missing an important festival: a yarn festival!
A new event to celebrate knitters, crocheters, weavers, spinners and fibre lovers with a festival of crafts, workshops, talks, food, music and good company.

Spring Into Wool
12 - 13 April 2025 - The Grammar School, Leeds
90 stalls, food, free parking, workshops, demos.
The perfect event for all lovers of knitting, crochet, feltmaking, weaving, spinning, dyeing, and all things woolly!

The Sodbury Yarn Over
12 - 13 April 2025, venue tbc
Yarns, fibres, weaving, crochet, knitting, spinning, accessories and workshops and more.

Buxton Wool Gathering
17 - 18 May 2025, Grand Octagon room, Pavilion Gardens, Buxton
50 exhibitors will be displaying the best of yarn, knitting, and crochet in the gateway to the Peak District. The website contains an exhibitor list and ticket information.
The event's home page contains some charity patterns raising money for Macmillan.

Threads Textile Festival
17-18 May 2025 Sunny Bank Mills, Farsley, Pudsey, LS28 5UJ
Celebrating textiles through a series of talks, workshops and a market featuring 50+ textile stalls each day

Tangled Galashiels Fibre Festival
Fri 30 May - Sat 31 May 2025, Galashiels, TD1 3JX and tba
The two-day festival isn't just a yarn festival, it's a celebration of independent textile artists, crafters, dyers and spinners, as well as its local community.
Textile exhibitions, interactive activities, workshops, a brand new Fleece Market and over 30 craft stalls

The Great British Fibre Festival
7-8 June 2025 Coldharbour Mill, Uffculme, Devon
A yarn and fibre show with a twist - it's aimed to educate and connect people with the origin of their yarns, wool fibre and more...you'll find flax, leather, nettle, wood, ceramic and more at the show!
Brought to you by the organisers of Stitch Fest South West.

The Wool Monty
7 - 8 June 2025 Magna, Magna Way, Sheffield S60 1FD
Accessible, inclusive, welcoming.

Mill Open Weekend, John Arbon Textiles
7 - 8 June, 2025, The Assembly Rooms, South Molton Town Hall with tour of JAT Mill
This legendary event returns. Includes mill tour and workshops, talks and even a few other vendors at the beautiful 18th century function rooms in South Molton Town Hall
Tickets for tours, talks and workshops are now available for booking.

Cumbrian Wool Gathering
21 - 22 June 2025, J36 Rural Auction Centre, Cumbria
A gathering of people with a love for wool and yarn, and the associated crafts. The first Cumbrian Wool Gathering is organised by the same team responsible for Bakewell Wool Gathering and Buxton Wool Gathering.

Stitch Fest by the Sea
5 - 6 July 2025, Winter Gardens, Weston-super-Mare
A new Summer yarn show by the sea!
Expect a fantastic selection of premium exhibitors, hands-on workshops, and exciting demos all wrapped up in a wonderful seaside atmosphere.

Summer Wool Festival
26 - 27 July 2025 Redborne School, Ampthill, Bedfordshire, MK45 2NU
100 of the very best stalls from all over the country, a great range of workshops, a street food area, lots of room to sit and chat, free demonstrations and advice from several local guilds.
Picks up where Fibre East left off.

North East Wool Show
9 - 10 August 2025, Newcastle Racecourse
90 amazing stalls plus a great range of workshops. cafe, demonstrations.

Pop Up Wool Show
16 August 2025, Hulme Hall, 23 Bolton Rd, Bebington, Wirral
A selection of vendors selling everything from hand dyed yarns and fibres to felting kits and needles
Entry £4 per person, available on the door or online.

Southern Wool Show
30 - 31 August 2025, Newbury Racecourse, Berkshire
A festival of woolly goodies. The perfect event for all lovers of knitting, crochet, feltmaking, weaving, spinning, dyeing, and all things woolly!

The Scottish Yarn Festival
30 - 31 August 2025 at Perth Concert Hall
The Scottish Yarn Festival is the new name for Perth Festival of Yarn.
The Vendors' Gallery Marketplace is the place to find materials and inspiration for your future crafting projects, the chance to meet and talk with the makers behind your favourite independent brands, to indulge in a little celebrity spotting.
Past tutors and lecturers have included Jeanette Sloan, Françoise Danoy, Andre de Castro, Di Gilpin, and Amy Palko
A fringe programme of social events has included books signings, gala dinners and fashions shows, and Perthshire gin flights

unravel... autumn
12 - 13 September 2025, Farnham Maltings
unravel... autumn is a celebration of all things yarn making from knitting and crochet to spinning and weaving
At the core of unravel... autumn is the curated marketplace which showcases independent producers, well established makers alongside first-time yarn show exhibitors from around the UK. In addition, on each day of the festival, there is an inspiring programme of bookable workshops.

Llandovery Sheep Festival
20 - 21 September 2025, the centre of Llandovery
A weekend celebration of rural crafts, food, entertainment and of course, sheep farming.

27 - 28 September 2025, Skipton Auction Mart, North Yorkshire
Over 180 makers, craft workers, retailers, and artisans in the picturesque market town of Skipton, North Yorkshire.

Shetland Wool Week
28 September - 4 October 2025
Shetland Wool Week is a world renowned celebration of Britain's most northerly native sheep, the Shetland textile industry and the rural farming community on these islands.
Includes classes, talks, drop-ins, art. See website for the full events listing.

Cotswold Wool Weekend
Sat 4 - Sun 5 October 2025 The Corn Hall, Cirencester
A two-day celebration of all things wool and yarn, including stalls, talks, demonstrations and workshops
Tickets available online now.

The Glasgow School of Yarn
17 - 19 October 2025, The Trades Hall, Glasgow
Scotland's longest running yarn festival, championing local and innovative makers since 2011.
GSoY has an abundance of beautiful yarns, fibres, and accessories for every crafter.

Stafford Wool Gathering
18 - 19 October 2025 Staffordshire County Showground
Bakewell Wool Gathering has moved to Stafford. More details tbc

Stitch Fest
1 - 2 November 2025, Newton Abbot Racecourse.
Since 2016, Stitch Fest has moved to bigger venues and is now held under one roof at Newton Abbot Racecourse, showcasing some of the best independent makers, dyers, spinners and designers and a fabulous workshop and demonstration timetable.

The Knitting and Stitching Show, Harrogate
20 - 23 November 2025, Harrogate Convention Centre
Meet up with like-minded crafters, discuss ideas, learn new skills and shop for your annual craft supplies, including wool, beads and beyond from household name brands and special suppliers alike including Fabric Godmother, Toft and more.
All that remains is for me to thank everyone who blogs, writes articles or posts pictures on the subject of spinning, knitting, crochet or weaving. This newsletter wouldn't exist without them.
Nor would it exist without your support, so thank you for that.
Please share a link to hand-spinning-news.com with anyone who may be interested.
Alternatively, share a link to the new Patreon page. New readers can become a free member and receive a notification when each free issue is available. It's also an alternative way for people to become paying supporters.

It's always good to hear from readers for any reason and I'd particularly like tip-offs about about any relevant stories, websites or social media accounts that I should be following.
Happy spinning!
Shiela Dixon - Editor / curator
A PeacockMedia publication